Tuesday, April 12, 2016



Virtualization brought a revolutionary change in the utilization of hardware resources, it is possible to run multiple virtual computers and applications on a single hardware server using virtualization technology.


Before virtualization

There where multiple physical servers in an organization's network, each server can only run a single operation system and the resources like Storage, RAM, Processor where not utilizing at it's maximum, also it was difficult to manage and maintain as it was physically separated . 

With server virtualization 

When a physical machine turned to a virtual machine, It can have multiple operation systems and applications on a single physical server. This can utilize more than 60%  of that server's resources and the administration, maintenance and backups become easy, 

Following are some of the benefits of  virtualization 

Following are some of the risks of virtualization 


In a virtualised server, server resources can be utilized properly but if an additional storage is needed they should purchase an additional server only for storage. This is an extra expense for the company, here is the storage virtualization is important.

Following are some of the reasons why storage virtualization is needed


Netapp virtualizes the storage and runs multiple applications on the single storage and it has a higher utilization of storage.

Following are the NetApp storage functionalities 

Why NetApp Storage ?

NetApp has a reliable storage system which runs on RAID-DP technology, which is equal to RAID-10 but it is using a half number of discs than RAID-10. The NetApp storage is much cost effective than RAID-10 devices.

Following are solutions from NetApp Storages 

NetApp is using a snapshot backup(After the first full backup it will change on to take only changed data backup) so that it is fast and takes light processing power.

Following are the NetApp backup benefits 


Storage utilization before virtualization

In the above example, disk-3 is full but it can't use the space from the other two discs. In this scenario, the organization has to purchase an additional server only for storage.

Storage utilization after NetApp virtualization

In a NetApp virtualized network the applications are sharing disc as a pooled device, which can be changed according to the usage. 

Following diagram shows how NetApp utilizing the free space in storage


NetApp de-duplication technology 

With de-duplication technology NetApp can store only one copy of the operating system(OS) in a virtual machine, instead of storing multiple OS and it can be used for various applications. It can also optimize the multiple copies of data to one copy and make available for multiple users.

Following are some of the additional benefits of  NetApp Virtualised storage 



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