Thursday, August 18, 2016
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with Windows Server
Introduction to VPC with Windows Server
We have already discussed the Amazone Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and installation configuration of Linux machine in VPC in my previous blog. In this blog, we will learn about how VPC works with Windows Server.
Create a VPC
1) From the AWS management console go to VPC option and create a VPC. Here I have created a VPC called ramvijoVPC.
2) Then create a security group
3) Select the created security group and add inbound rules as below.
4) Remove the outbound rules
Launching Amazone EC2 Windows Instance
1) From the AWS management console select EC2 then select Launch Instance. Then select Microsoft Windows server 2012 R2 BaseAMI.
2) In the network, field select the previously created VPC
3) Select a Security Group then launch the instance.
5) Associate the elastic IP address with the private IP address the below screen shows the elastic IP address and associated private IP address in the Instance properties.
The instance can be accessed through the internet using an RDP client. We have to specify elastic IP address to connect the Instance.
Deleting VPC
For deleting the VPC we have to terminate the running instances, deleting the VPC also delete the subnets, security groups and other resources related to the VPC.
1) First, go to the instances in EC2 console then right click on the instances and e select instance state then select the option Terminate.
2) Then go to Services\VPC\ Your VPCs option and select the created VPC then go to Action button and select Delete VPC.
Now we have deleted the VPC.
Confirmation of the LAB Completion
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) with Windows Server
Introduction to EC2 with Windows Server
Amazone EC2 is a web service which provides scalable and shrinkable competing in the cloud environment.It provides a complete control over the computing resources. EC2 also helps to use the only minimum resources, which will help to reduce cost in the cloud environment.
In this blog, we are explaining how to create amazon Windows Server 2012 in EC2 and how to log into the instance.
1) Go to the AWS management console then Services and select EC2, find the launch Instance button and click it and select Windows Server 2012 R2 Base
2) Keep the default setting in the next steps until Tag instance page, here you have to give a name for the instance.
3) In Configure Security Group, create a new security group. The security group is the firewall in EC2, by default port 3389 for RDP will be open automatically in the default security group.
4) You can use the existing key pair and click Launch Instance. The key pairs are used to access to the instance after creation .
1) Download a PEM key from the Quick lab screen and save it on the local machine.
2) Go back to the EC2 instance screen and select the instance then click on the connect button.
3) Download the remote desktop file from the screen.
4) Click on the get password button and then browse select the downloaded key for getting the password for the instance. Then click on the Decrypt Password button, then copy the password to a notepad file.
5) Open the RDP client which we have downloaded previously, use the administrator as user then use the password which we have saved, to connect the remote desktop.
6) You can now see the instance desktop as RDP.
1) Go to the AWS management console then Services and select EC2, find the launch Instance button and click it and select Windows Server 2012 R2 Base
2) Keep the default setting in the next steps until Tag instance page, here you have to give a name for the instance.
3) In Configure Security Group, create a new security group. The security group is the firewall in EC2, by default port 3389 for RDP will be open automatically in the default security group.
4) You can use the existing key pair and click Launch Instance. The key pairs are used to access to the instance after creation .
Connecting to instance from a Windows Machine
Here we are using an RDP client to connect to the Instance from a Windows machine.
All the AWS instance has assigned two IP address, one is private and the other one is public IP and both are associated using NAT for communicating with the internet world.It also has an internal DNS name and public DNS name that respectively mapped to the private and Public IP address.
1) Download a PEM key from the Quick lab screen and save it on the local machine.
2) Go back to the EC2 instance screen and select the instance then click on the connect button.
3) Download the remote desktop file from the screen.
4) Click on the get password button and then browse select the downloaded key for getting the password for the instance. Then click on the Decrypt Password button, then copy the password to a notepad file.
5) Open the RDP client which we have downloaded previously, use the administrator as user then use the password which we have saved, to connect the remote desktop.
6) You can now see the instance desktop as RDP.
Confirmation of Lab Completion
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS) are used as the storage volumes for the AWS instances. EBS volumes are easily resizable according to the user needs. They offer low-latency and consistency to manage the workload.
This blog covers how to create an EBS volume, adding the volume to the instance and snapshotting the EBS volume.
Creating an EBS Volume
1) Navigate to EC2 in Services then click on Volumes from the left navigation pane. There is already a volume existing, for already installed the server in AWS. We have to take not of the availability zone, which has to be in the same zone for the instances for low-latency.
2) Click Create Volume button, then select size as 1 GB, use the availability zone as previously noted. Then click the create button to create the volume.
Attach the EBS Volume to Instance
1) When the status of the volume turns to available, select the volume and navigate to action button then select attach volume.
2) Select the instance field and select the instance, which is already installed in the lab.
Snapshotting EBS volume
Creating a snapshot of the volume means it will replicate the data, it also allows to change the properties of the volume.
1) Right click on the volume and select create a screenshot, check the volume name to match the current volume, then give a description for the volume and click on create button.
2) Go to the snapshots from the left menu to view the created snapshots.
3) To increase the size of the volume, right click and select create volume button.
1) Here select IOPS SSD to increase the performance change the size to 10 GB, Select current availability zone, then click create.
2) Now we can see the newly created 10 GB volume.This drive will contain all the data from the original drive.
Lab Completion Confirmation
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service with high consistency and scalability with a single-digit millisecond latency. It is suitable for mobile, web gaming and many other applications which need flexible and reliable performance.
In this blog we are covering, how to create a DynamoDB table, loading data into the table, Querying DynamoDB and how to delete the table.
Creating a New Table
1) You can find the DynamoDB in AWS services, click on the DynamoDB button and click Create Table on the next screen.
2) Here we are going to create a new table called Music, give table name as Music.
3) Primary key as Artist and click on Add sort key and n the new field type SongTitle, these are the subcategories for Music table.
4) Select Use default settings box ( default setting will provide read and write permission) and create.
Add and Modify Data in the Table
1) Select the music table and go the Items tab then click on Create Items.
2) For Artist Attribute give an artist name in the value field, I have given No One.
3) Fill the song title field.
4) Now we can create an additional attribute, click on the plus sign and click Append and in the drop-down list select string.
5) In the Field, box enter AlbumTitle and in the Value box give a title
6) Create another attribute by following the same steps, in the Field give Year and in value, you can give a year.
7) Now you can create other items as well.
8) I have created three different items with different attributes.
Modifying an Existing Table
1) Click tables and click the radio button next to the table, click on Items select the year and change the value year to different year. You can change any values of the table here, then click save.
Querying the Table
1) We can Query the particular attribute and list down the table according to the Query. Click tables and click the radio button next to music table.
2) Click the items tab then click the drop-down labeled scan music: artist, SontTitle. Then change scan to query on the button( Check the below screenshot)
3) In the Partition Key type the value you want to query, I have tried No One You Know, which I have given to two of the items before. Then start the search to show the results.
4) Now you can see the queried items below, for more specified search, select other attributes.
Deleting the Table
1) Click tables and select the music table, click Delete Table form the confirmation panel and click Delete.Confirmation of Lab Completion
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing
Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing
The Elastic Load Balancer will automatically distribute incoming traffic between multiple EC2 instances. It will provide a better fault tolerance for the applications and it can identify the unhealthy instance and reroute traffic to the healthy instance as well.
In this blog, we are covering how to create an Elastic Load Balancer and adding instances to the Elastic Load Balancer.
Create an Elastic Load Balancer
1) Navigate to services menu and click EC2, then select Load Balancers option on the left pan.
2) Click on Create Load Balancer and choose the Classic load balancer, in the next screen give a name and go to next page.
3) Select an existing security group option on the net screen and go to next screen. It will take the default permissions from the security group.
4) Ender the values as in the screen below.
5) In the next screen, you can see two running instances has already been installed, select both of them and click next. Click Review and create on the next screen.
6) Click crate to finish the process
7) You can see your load balancer is created now, click on it to view instances in the load balancer and more details.Make sure that both the instance are showing In Service in the status, that mens both instances are ready.
8) Click the description tab, here we can find the DNS name as a URL. Copy the URL and paste it in a new browser to view the load balancer page.
Confirmation of Lab Completion
AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) (Windows)
Introduction to Amazon RDS (Windows)
RDS is a cloud-based database service that is easy to setup,operate and scale. It is compactable to MySQL, PostGRE, Oracle and SQL.
This blog covers how to create an RDS instance and connect to RDS from a windows client.
Create an RDS Instance
1) Verify the AWS region for better latency, you can find the region settings on the top of the AWS screen, by default it will be Oregon. You can change it as per your business needs and location.
2) Navigate to services then select RDS, you will get an RDS window click start the installation.
3) Select MySQL from next window, for MySQL, compacted RDS. Select the MySQL option under Dev/Test which is a free service.
4) In the DB details, the DB instance should be micro one for the minimum configuration. the allocated storage is 5GB for the DBand provide a username and password. This credentials we have to use when login to the RDS instance.
6) Navigate to security group select the security group which we have selected earlier and in the inbound rules tab select edit and add MySQL and port to allow in the security group. (Check the below Screen)
Connecting To RDS instance
1) Navigate to service and EC2 to find the already installed Instance and copy the Public DNS string from there. You have to first login to the EC2 client using your local RDP along with the DNS which we have copied. The username for RDP is administrator and password you can find from the Quick lab.
2) From the RDP session open MySQL program from start\all programs
3) Return to the AWS RDS and select the instance, then copy the endpoint URL from the details. This URL is using for the connection from the RDP client.
4) Go back to the RDP section and in the MySQL\ manage connection \ and click new for a new connection. Give connection name give the database name and past the URL in Parameters\ Hostname.
5) In the username, box give the username which we have given earlier to the RDS and give the password of RDS.
6) Test the connection by clicking on the Test connection button.
7) If the test connection is ok, close the window and go back to the previous window. Go to MySQL Workbench\ database\ Connect to Database, you should be able to connect to the database.
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