Introduction to VPC with Windows Server
We have already discussed the Amazone Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and installation configuration of Linux machine in VPC in my previous blog. In this blog, we will learn about how VPC works with Windows Server.
Create a VPC
1) From the AWS management console go to VPC option and create a VPC. Here I have created a VPC called ramvijoVPC.
2) Then create a security group
3) Select the created security group and add inbound rules as below.
4) Remove the outbound rules
Launching Amazone EC2 Windows Instance
1) From the AWS management console select EC2 then select Launch Instance. Then select Microsoft Windows server 2012 R2 BaseAMI.
2) In the network, field select the previously created VPC
3) Select a Security Group then launch the instance.
5) Associate the elastic IP address with the private IP address the below screen shows the elastic IP address and associated private IP address in the Instance properties.
The instance can be accessed through the internet using an RDP client. We have to specify elastic IP address to connect the Instance.
Deleting VPC
For deleting the VPC we have to terminate the running instances, deleting the VPC also delete the subnets, security groups and other resources related to the VPC.
1) First, go to the instances in EC2 console then right click on the instances and e select instance state then select the option Terminate.
2) Then go to Services\VPC\ Your VPCs option and select the created VPC then go to Action button and select Delete VPC.
Now we have deleted the VPC.
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AWS Online Training Bangalore
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