Thursday, August 18, 2016

AWS Quick Labs - Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB

Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service with high consistency and scalability with a single-digit millisecond latency. It is suitable for mobile, web gaming and many other applications which need flexible and reliable performance. 

In this blog we are covering, how to create a DynamoDB table, loading data into the table, Querying DynamoDB and how to delete the table.

Creating a New Table

1) You can find the DynamoDB in AWS services, click on the DynamoDB button and click Create Table on the next screen.

2) Here we are going to create a new table called Music, give table name as Music. 

3) Primary key as Artist and click on Add sort key and n the new field type SongTitle, these are the subcategories for Music table.

4) Select Use default settings box ( default setting will provide read and write permission)  and create.

Add and Modify Data in the Table

1) Select the music table and go the Items tab then click on Create Items.

2) For Artist Attribute give an artist name in the value field, I have given No One.

3) Fill the song title field.

4) Now we can create an additional attribute, click on the plus sign and click Append and in the drop-down list select string.

5) In the Field, box enter AlbumTitle and in the Value box give a title

6) Create another attribute by following the same steps, in the Field give Year  and in value, you can give a year.

7) Now you can create other items as well.

8) I have created three different items with different attributes.

Modifying an Existing Table

1) Click tables and click the radio button next to the table, click on Items select the year and change the value year to different year. You can change any values of the table here, then click save. 

Querying the  Table

1) We can Query the particular attribute and list down the table according to the Query. Click tables and click the radio button next to music table.

2) Click the items tab then click the drop-down labeled scan music: artist, SontTitle. Then change scan to query on the button( Check the below screenshot) 

3) In the Partition Key type the value you want to query, I have tried No One You Know, which I have given to two of the items before.  Then start the search to show the results. 

4) Now you can see the queried items below, for more specified search, select other attributes. 

Deleting the Table 

1) Click tables and select the music table, click Delete Table form the confirmation panel and click Delete.

Confirmation of Lab Completion