Introduction to Amazon RDS (Windows)
RDS is a cloud-based database service that is easy to setup,operate and scale. It is compactable to MySQL, PostGRE, Oracle and SQL.
This blog covers how to create an RDS instance and connect to RDS from a windows client.
Create an RDS Instance
1) Verify the AWS region for better latency, you can find the region settings on the top of the AWS screen, by default it will be Oregon. You can change it as per your business needs and location.
2) Navigate to services then select RDS, you will get an RDS window click start the installation.
3) Select MySQL from next window, for MySQL, compacted RDS. Select the MySQL option under Dev/Test which is a free service.
4) In the DB details, the DB instance should be micro one for the minimum configuration. the allocated storage is 5GB for the DBand provide a username and password. This credentials we have to use when login to the RDS instance.
6) Navigate to security group select the security group which we have selected earlier and in the inbound rules tab select edit and add MySQL and port to allow in the security group. (Check the below Screen)
Connecting To RDS instance
1) Navigate to service and EC2 to find the already installed Instance and copy the Public DNS string from there. You have to first login to the EC2 client using your local RDP along with the DNS which we have copied. The username for RDP is administrator and password you can find from the Quick lab.
2) From the RDP session open MySQL program from start\all programs
3) Return to the AWS RDS and select the instance, then copy the endpoint URL from the details. This URL is using for the connection from the RDP client.
4) Go back to the RDP section and in the MySQL\ manage connection \ and click new for a new connection. Give connection name give the database name and past the URL in Parameters\ Hostname.
5) In the username, box give the username which we have given earlier to the RDS and give the password of RDS.
6) Test the connection by clicking on the Test connection button.
7) If the test connection is ok, close the window and go back to the previous window. Go to MySQL Workbench\ database\ Connect to Database, you should be able to connect to the database.
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